I think creativity rides like waves- the swell of one idea pushes another along. For the last year I have been knee deep in re-learning guitar after not touching it for 30+ years with no good reason. This relearning is lifting my photography-for-fun-boat, and that’s a very good thing for me. That, and seeing friends like Hillary Hendsbee, Hali Rosborough, and Amy Stackhouse all make images I love.
Anyone who reads blogs can see that the author tries to incorporate a snazzy title to draw the reader in. I’m not a snazzy writer, but I think I am going to use music titles that make me feel something good. When possible, I will include a YouTube link to the tune at the end of my post. Play them loud. They may or may not make sense, but we’ll roll with it. Maybe someday I will get brave enough to show myself playing.
So, These Days, we are in the midst of our first real snow storm of this new decade.