The Journal

It's Been A Minute.....

It’s been fourteen months since I wrote a blog post, but, you know……it’s fine. Everything is fine.

Here I am, back again, ready to share the mundane, ordinary, imperfect tidbits of our lives. What is more ordinary than making bread? Not much, really, unless it’s laundry or feeding the cat. I saw in Kelly Neil’s Instagram stories that she was making a sourdough starter using a recipe from Baked the Blog. We love sourdough bread here, so I decided to give it a try. I’m a pretty confident baker, but I have never made my own starter. It’s a fun science experiment so far. I’m not a food photographer, and have zero aspirations to be. Although the mythical prop closets that I hear food photographers have makes me pretty curious about the possibilities.

Day 1: Not much to see…combined the flour and water in a jar, asked for the yeast faeries to do their thing and covered it up.

Day 2: Theoretically, I should have seen some little bubbles starting to form. However, the kitchen was on the cool-ish side and probably didn’t come up to a temperature to promote growth. Rather than feeding it again, I left it, hoping to see some activity in the next 24 hours.

Day 3: Folks, we have bubbles!!

Lots and lots of bubbles!

Lots and lots of bubbles!

sourdough day 2 (3 of 5).jpg
sourdough day 2 (2 of 5).jpg

I added the new feed, gave it a stir, thanked the wild yeast faeries and closed it up again. I got the little bowl in Oklahoma on one of our visits there- a little set of three that somehow managed not to get broken when the TSA demolished my bag that time. At least they left a little card saying it was them who went though it. Travelling is awesome. But, back to bubbles and bread………

sourdough day 2 (1 of 1)-3.jpg
sourdough day 2 (5 of 5).jpg

I’ll let you know how it goes.