This wasn't your grandmother's conference, that's for sure! BS detection, a woman wearing the periodic table of elements, intellectual honesty, conflict, 'Undiscussabulls', estate planning with a deadline, the 'Because I Love You' List, embracing our Inner Agvocate, Twitter accounts (get one!), soulful goals and agricultural literacy, to name a few of the take-aways from the Conference held at the Delta Halifax on April 28/29. Often at conferences, the energy drops in no time, but this event was informative and entertaining, thoughtful and encouraging, and a reminder of the voice and value women in agriculture have. The energy never waned.
Elaine Froese, farm family coach, uses a quote from Winston Churchill in her book 'Farming's In-Law Factor," that can be applied to so many aspects of agricultural advocacy (agvocacy): "It takes courage to stand and speak and it also takes courage to sit and listen." The voices of women in agriculture are strong. The same women know how to really listen to what is being said with their bs detectors firing on all cylinders, and then have a reasonable, fact based conversation about the truth of agriculture. They can do this because they live it. It's pretty hard to argue with that. Live, Laugh, Love, Farm. Repeat.
Olivia, the youngest Farm Woman in attendance, and her mum.
I'm pretty sure I want a dress like SciBabe's
Elaine Froese, author of "Planting the Seed of Hope", Do The Tough Things Right" and "Farming's In-Law Factor".
Betty Lou Scott (centre), recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Woman in Agriculture Award.
Soulful goals with Callie Croken.
Welcome to Halifax!
Remember to sign up for your Twitter accounts! @becky_parker_2