The Journal

I'm Baaaaack!

It’s been more than a minute since I posted something here- 2020 happened, and the rest is history. I read, I baked, I slept; I did a lot of stuff, but one thing I didn’t do was use my camera. The muse was gone and there was zero mojo happening. Fast forward to November of 2021, and on a lark I decided to submit a portfolio for review to The Shooting Range- A Photography Challenge , and lo and behold, I was chosen as a challenger. I thought I’d share some of my images and maybe some behind the scenes shots of what I made. I ended the challenge as a runner up- it was a metric s&$* tonne of work, but it made the deep winter months fly by and the best part, it made me pick up my camera again.

I’m still not sure why I chose to shoot something glossy and reflective for my first Image, but I wanted to have bold, contrasting colours to represent my assigned colour for the team assignment to shoot the colours of the rainbow. The guest judges DIDN’T like it at all, and I was left in the middle of the pack at judging time (which was a very safe place to be, I might add). I think it is cheeky, I love the vibrant colours and NO REFLECTION! Lesson learned.

It took me 2 days of shooting to get this one image- here’s the evolution:

It takes a lot of crap images to get to one good one sometimes. Remember that, kids.

Want to help me get this in front of Diamond Pedals in Dartmouth so I can photograph all of their product?