My friend, Scott Thieu, is smart. He knows stuff. And we talk a lot. One day not so long ago, Scott, in his scott-talk, said that "photography was easier when we all started out just taking pictures of flowers and stuff". He wasn't talking about the technical side of photography, but it stuck with me the way scott-talk does. What he was saying was how FUN it was to take photos of things we like. He has moved on from his flower shooting days to working portrait gold , often, at The Carleton in Halifax; he loves it and has FUN with it!
Anywho, I digress. Today I went to Country Gardens Nursery in Stewiacke, (or is it Shubie East??) to get some of my potted plants for the summer. Fran and Shelly (who I am pretty sure I went to high school with, but couldn't put that together until after I left) were AWESOME. They didn't mind that I took my time and some photos. What does this have to do with scott-talk? This is the first spring in many years that I have felt like getting outside and making the yard pretty. It doesn't feel like a chore. I'm excited about it! So today, I shot flowers for FUN. And my cat. This will make sense at some point! I promise! LOL. Today also reminded me of being 8 or 10 and my mum letting me use her Kodak 110 to take 'a couple of pictures' at my Aunt Bonnie's house. Thirty six exposures of Aunt Bonnie's marigolds later, gave her the camera back. I hope you liked marigolds, Mum. xo
Three of these pretties came home with me!
This honeysuckle was a tiny little shrub when we built our house here 24 years ago, It's huge now!