The Journal

I Know Two Daves

I was incredibly fortunate to share time and space with some remarkable photographers and mentors at Dave Brosha's barn in Long Creek, PEI in July. Joel Robison, Rob Woodcox, Robbie Craig, Curtis Jones, Aaron Von Hagen, Maggie Hood, Manu Keggenhoff, Stephen DesRoches, Alejandro Molina, Jon Brown and of course, Dave Brosha, were the mentors for Land and See. David DuChemin flew cross country to mentor the Coastal Vision gathering the next week.

I have mostly practiced my portrait skills for the past few years, and I was really unsure how I would feel about the Coastal Vision workshop since I interpreted that as landscape based. What I learned from both workshops, but mostly Coastal Vision, was, how much I really love the freedom of environmental photography. I'm hesitant to use the word landscape, because I see it as much more than that now. Coastal Vision felt extremely liberating to me. The lessons learned in the three days with Dave and David were probably the most freeing that I have ever received, and I am extremely grateful for the experience.  I even mustered the guts to photograph myself in the process! I wouldn't have done that before.

Thanks, Daves.