The Journal
My friend, Scott Thieu, is smart. He knows stuff. And we talk a lot. One day not so long ago, Scott, in his scott-talk, said that "photography was easier when we all started out just taking pictures of flowers and stuff". He wasn't talking about the technical side of photography, but it stuck with me the way scott-talk does. What he was saying was how FUN it was to take photos of things we like. He has moved on from his flower shooting days to working portrait gold , often, at The Carleton in Halifax; he loves it and has FUN with it!
Anywho, I digress. Today I went to Country Gardens Nursery in Stewiacke, (or is it Shubie East??) to get some of my potted plants for the summer. Fran and Shelly (who I am pretty sure I went to high school with, but couldn't put that together until after I left) were AWESOME. They didn't mind that I took my time and some photos. What does this have to do with scott-talk? This is the first spring in many years that I have felt like getting outside and making the yard pretty. It doesn't feel like a chore. I'm excited about it! So today, I shot flowers for FUN. And my cat. This will make sense at some point! I promise! LOL. Today also reminded me of being 8 or 10 and my mum letting me use her Kodak 110 to take 'a couple of pictures' at my Aunt Bonnie's house. Thirty six exposures of Aunt Bonnie's marigolds later, gave her the camera back. I hope you liked marigolds, Mum. xo
The Awesome Life Retreat
Women gathered, women shared at the Awesome Life Retreat April 29th, 2016, hosted at Windhorse Farm in New Germany by Heather Crosby-Gionet of Encourage Inspire.
It was a very powerful weekend filled over and over again with words like exploration, gratitude, contentment, happiness, becoming, love, tribe and celebration. Everyone took away something different and left a little piece of themselves imprinted on the place, I'm sure! We laughed a lot, cried a little, pushed our comfort limits (for me it was having my photograph taken by Heather), explored some new ways to relax, learned something new and savoured the amazing food and new friendships. I had plans to do a lot of photos while I was there, but instead, I just....didn't. And it was LOVELY! Brittany of Hind Hart Studios was there to get all the details- I can't wait to see it all!
A couple years ago, I had a gal from Halifax do a chalk piece for me photography logo. Through an odd set of circumstances, we never got to meet in person. We had communicated a lot through email during her creation process, and I was disappointed at the time that I didn't get to meet the person who made me this special (to me) piece of art. On the first night of this retreat, we were each assigned a table. At my table was Lisa MacPherson of Scribble & Script, who did my art piece. I finally got to meet her! She had her paper-junkie-friend Rebecca Dimock (Paper Chain) beside her and we are planning to have a coffee/paper date some time I am in the city #paperjunkiesunite .
Thank you, Heather, for living an Awesome Life!
Keep your head up
Try and listen to your heart
Be kind always, no matter
We all grow up
And someday we'll say goodbye
So shine your light while you got one
Make the most of what you've got
Don't waste time being trying to be something you're not
Fill up your head and fill up you heart and take your shot
Once round just once so take your shot
Don't waste time trying to be something you're not
Fill up your head and fill up your heart cause that all we got
Through your window
That's one way to see the world
Step outside and look back into
Look and listen
And you decide what to believe
Shine your light while you got one
That's not a star that's a satellite
Step it out
~Drunken Soldier, Dave Matthews Band